Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twitter SMS Commands

Most people know they can link their cell phone to Twitter to send and receive various data. What some people don't know is they can do other things via SMS such as following someone, unfollowing someone, getting a user's profile, and more. Here are some common commands you can use.

*Note if you do not have you cell linked to your Twitter account, log into Twitter. Then got o Settings>Devices to set it up and change your texting preferences. The # to send messages to is 40404. I save it as "Twitter" in my address book.

  • ON: turns ALL phone notifications on.

  • OFF: turns ALL phone notifications off.
  • STOP, QUIT: stops all messages to your phone immediately
  • ON username: turns on notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, ON babymakes7.
  • OFF username: turns off notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, OFF babymakes7.
  • FOLLOW username: this command allows you to start receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: follow babymakes7
  • LEAVE username: this command allows you to stop receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: leave babymakes 7

The above was pasted (and edited obviously) from Twitter's own help page. Check it out to see it and more commands.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wasted Entertainment

Fellow tweeter @CelebratedMissK mentioned she had owned a movie which she had not seen yet. That got me thinking about the movies my wife and I own that we have not seen. I started to tweet the titles until I realized the list was longer than I thought so I decided to type it up.

In alphabetical order, here are the movies we own that we have not watched yet. If only one of has not seen it I will indicate it in parenthesis which person has NOT seen it and any notes.

3:10 To Yuma (newer one)

10,000 B.C.

American Gangster


Bambi II

The Big White

Breaking and Entering


Caffeine (me)

Casablanca (me, we have it on DVD & HD-DVD)

Drop Dead Sexy

Erin Brokavich (me)

Fast Food Nation

Deja Vu (her)

The Departed (HD-DVD)


Fox and the Hound 2

George and the Dragon

Gone with the Wind (me)

Harsh Times

Her Minor Thing

Italian Job (her)

Keeping up with the Steins

The Killing Grounds

The Kingdom

Man About Town

Mistress of Spices

Miss Potter (me)

Moulan Rouge (me)

Moulan II

Nomad the Warrior

The OH in Ohio

The Quiet

Relative Strangers (me)

The Sandlot: Heading Home

Saw IV

Scarlet (me)

Serenity (HD-DVD)

Seven Swords

Sex in the City (me)

The Shawshank Redemption (me)

Shoot 'Em Up (her)

Sisterhooh of the Traveling Pants 2 (me)

Sleeping Dogs Lie


Species: The Awakening

Steel Magnolias (me)


Tom-Yum- Goong (her)

Wedding Planner (me)

*WHEW!* OK, I think that is it. I know I'm not the only one. Heck, I think I have some video games that I have not played that I picked up on sale at some point in time. What movies do YOU own that you have not watched yet?